Shelby Madden

Exploring my limits with a bike and big (potentially dumb) ideas!

$10,000 and Climbing!

Well, we did it! We made the minimum goal of $10,000 for the Million Dollar Challenge with the Lava Flow Inn event at the Reese's last weekend! Incredible. I say "we" not to refer to my multiple personalities but to the team of people that helped make it happen and every person that found a way to donate. I had so many moments where I just stopped to look around and I would see my friends hustling, by one definition or another, to help make this goal possible. The auction/raffle was a big hit! Below are just some of the great pictures of the festivities taken by Heidi Lee. She did an awesome job! Scenes from a party...

One of the auction tables

Gary The Auctioneer describing the items up for bid-I think he just made stuff up

Friends from my days working at Encanto Elementary.

Scout sharing her story.

My sister-in-law, Andrea, hangin' in there like a champ!

Raquel and Liz. Liz was one of the key people to help me pull this event off!

Yoli and Vanessa with their loot! Cracked me up. I know they told themselves they weren't going to buy anything.

Matt Reese, owner of the Lava Flow Inn

Danny, Leonel, and Rich adding to the whole vibe of the afternoon

Theresa and Dave making sure we get our money from the bidders!

Travis sharing his story.

My brother and my dad, appear to be solving the world's problems. Wonder what they came up with.

Melissa, all the way down from Redondo Beach, working hard to let the winners know who they are. But never one to be seen empty handed, maintains a close watch on her drink.

Patty Reese worked the bar and never once looked stressed!

Liam, Simon, and Finn listening intently to Scout and Travis...or was it for their raffle numbers?

Judy, Kathy and Stacy. Friends from different worlds meeting. So fun!

Some of the delicious desserts made by my friends.

Trent and Maggie, new TCSD members rallied after the club race to support my event.

Coach Brian wins GU! and a lot of it.

Melissa and baby Sam. Really, no one is too young to tiki!

Dave and Tracy- My swim buddy and soon to be riding buddy

Scout and Anne check out the goods

One last note:
As soon as the moment had passed, I realized I had missed a HUGE opportunity that afternoon. I had a microphone in my hand and a captive audience but in my haste to wrap things up, I completely bawked and went right past thanking the most important people in my life for their constant support and encouragement: MY FAMILY!

Honestly, I would never have the guts to do half the things I take on if I didn't know, without a doubt, they were going to be there for me regardless of the outcome. Trust me, I've had some crazy ideas in life and dragged them into many of them, willing or not. Ultimately, they always just push up their sleeves and help me get to work. My life is truly amazing, and I credit my parents with setting the foundation for this. From my perspective, there's no need to play the lottery because I won it at birth. As an adult I can appreciate how difficult it must be to not only be a parent, but I can imagine how scary it would be to find out things were going to be a bit out of the ordinary for your child. I remember my parents being trusting but protective with doctors, consoling me when things got a bit too scary for my then modest self, and finally pulling the plug on the researchers to save my self esteem. I remember bits and pieces but I'm older now so I know what was really going on. They were freaked out! What they did right was to help me move beyond a diagnosis to become the person I was meant to be. They never hesitated when I said I wanted to do something-well, they did hesitate at times but I'm a hard sell and I usually pulled things off. I had passion and they helped manifest it. They taught me that if I wanted something bad enough, I could figure out a way to get it and if they could support the effort in any way, they would. My parents encouraged my passion for life and doing. They still do. I hear the random murmurs from strangers and catch the inquisitive looks but the fact of the matter is, I know in my core, it just doesn't get much better than the gig I've got going in this life. I've been gifted a form and a family that has taught me what takes a life time for many people to learn; mine is a fortunate birth for countless reasons.

I could go on, which is another reason why I think I subconsciously avoid even broaching this subject, but it's impossible for me to say, in a few words, the impact my parents, and siblings for that matter, have had on my life and to merely touch on it falls ridiculously short of how I feel.

So while there is no microphone in my hand and whatever audience there is, is probably distracted at this point, I know my parents read this so, thanks Mom and Dad for coming out to support my event and helping me create this super cool life I get to live!

And thanks again to everyone else for your incredible support and contributions toward my fundraising efforts! You're all amazing and I'm extremely proud we get to share the same space!


Kelli Rydeen and Family May 20, 2010 at 11:27 AM  

Shelby that was by far one of the best posts I have read. As a parent I would be honored to hear my child say such wonderful things, this is truely a gift. I hope that I have the same impact on my children that your parents have had on you. I wish you all the best in your fund raising efforts let alone on the ride its self. Thank you for putting this positing this, it is a great reminder for me.

Kelli May 20, 2010 at 9:01 PM  

Thanks, Kelli! You made it through the whole post! How lame was I to let that moment pass? I know your kids know you're proud of them- I figured that out right off the bat :) See you in a few weeks!

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